British people aren't the only people who speak english fyi. And I have no idea how you even got those images to be so crappy, if it was how you saved them or import or idk but wow thats bad.
British people aren't the only people who speak english fyi. And I have no idea how you even got those images to be so crappy, if it was how you saved them or import or idk but wow thats bad.
Super mario RPG was released in north america too dumbass.
Could have been longer, but the animation was well done, and to the guy below me, honestly why sign your reviews? we can read your fucking name off the top of it.
I remember when this was a simple concept.
This IS on VG cats, and its submitted by the same guy.
Loved it
It was great, but can I ask where you got the water sfx?
It was alright, it DID have sound effects, but theres a huge gap for improvement, and yeah the humor fucking sucked.
God damn
That was bad, you had two, maybe 3 (I couldn't tell) NG songs going at the same time.
2 NG songs at a time?
Put your quality at low then.
Finish it THEN submit it, don't submit "tests", whats there to test anyways? Whats wrong with control>test movie?? You don't need to publish, then upload to test the fucking thing, that just shows impatients, take your time and finish it.
guess ur kinda right